Δείτε απόσπασμα από την χθεσινή παρουσία της βουλευτού κας Ραχήλ Μακρή στο EXTRA 3 στην εκπομπή του Άκη Παυλόπουλου.
Η Ραχήλ Μακρή αναφέρθηκε στην κατάσχεση της 1ης κατοικίας που είναι μνημονιακή πολιτική
και φέρει την υπογραφή κ. Σαμαρά, στη μείωση του φόρου πετρελαίου θέρμανσης καθώς και σε θέματα τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης.
Δείτε το σχετικό βίντεο
Σας θυμίζουμε τι προβλέπει το αναθεωρημένο μνημονίου που έχει υπογράψει ο κ. Σαμαράς..για τις κατασχέσεις πρώτης κατοικίας....
Σελίδα 47
102. Until June 2013, disbursements under the programme amounted to EUR 210.2 billion. This
amount includes EUR 7.2 billion approved in January 2013 to cover bank recapitalisation and
resolution costs which were effectively disbursed to Greece on 31 May 2013 (Table 7). The second
tranche of the third disbursement of EUR 3.3 billion was released to Greece following the
implementation by the authorities of three milestones related to: (i) appointment of the national
coordinator for anti-corruption, the coordination committee and its chairman, and the advisory
committee, and second the eight staff provided by the law; (ii) facilitation of the resolution of
unsustainable household debt, by passing legislation to introduce a new "Facilitation programme" and
revising law 3869/2010 to address the implementation shortfalls identified during its first three years of
enactment; and (iii) presentation to the EU Commission Services, for consultation, of a detailed action
plan with identified time bound steps and a date for its substantial completion, for the transition of the
electricity market to the EU target model. The plan should establish competition, stimulate entry, reflect
the reforms of PPC, and remove market distortions, while not entailing State Aid.
Πίνακας σελ.69 και 70 (δείτε τις φώτο)
MoU 3.7.1
MEFP (25)
The Government commits to enhance the legal regime for household insolvency to provide for more effective resolution of bad debts while protecting the payment culture and avoids unnecessary losses.
Milestone June 2013 Bill 4161 FEK 143/A/14 06 2013 Observed.
MoU 3.7.2
MEFP (25)
The Government commits to establish and in consultation with EC/ECB/IMF staff, a framework to assist distressed borrowers. Milestone June 2013 Bill 4161 FEK 143/A/14 06 2013 Observed.
MEFP (25)
Pass legislation by end-June 2013 to introduce a new “Facilitation Program”. (MEFP: Key features of this new scheme will include: (i) eligibility criteria that take into account the debtor’s income and assets (supported by verification
procedures); (ii) oversight of the facilitation program by the BoG; (iii) borrower repayment defined using criteria based on affordability; (iv) periodic review of the financial conditions of participating debtors to assess their continued eligibility and proper level of payments; (v) a clear timetable to close the window of the program). June 2013 Bill 4161 FEK 143/A/14 06 2013 Observed.
MEFP (25)
The Government will revise law 3869/2010, to address the implementation shortfalls identified during its first three years of enactment. (MEFP: In particular, we will introduce a definition of acceptable living expenses for use as guidance by the judiciary, mediators, and the banks and a standard definition of cooperating borrowers, which will be used to provide
protection only to those borrowers who are fully cooperating in the resolution June 2013 Law 3869/2010 has been amended by l. 4161/2013 (FEK 143/A/14.6.2013). Definitions for terms such as "acceptable living expenses" and "cooperative borrowers" as guidance for the judiciary and banks by end September 2013 (new deadline) September 2013 Observed.
Η Ραχήλ Μακρή αναφέρθηκε στην κατάσχεση της 1ης κατοικίας που είναι μνημονιακή πολιτική
και φέρει την υπογραφή κ. Σαμαρά, στη μείωση του φόρου πετρελαίου θέρμανσης καθώς και σε θέματα τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης.
Δείτε το σχετικό βίντεο
Σας θυμίζουμε τι προβλέπει το αναθεωρημένο μνημονίου που έχει υπογράψει ο κ. Σαμαράς..για τις κατασχέσεις πρώτης κατοικίας....
Σελίδα 47
102. Until June 2013, disbursements under the programme amounted to EUR 210.2 billion. This
amount includes EUR 7.2 billion approved in January 2013 to cover bank recapitalisation and
resolution costs which were effectively disbursed to Greece on 31 May 2013 (Table 7). The second
tranche of the third disbursement of EUR 3.3 billion was released to Greece following the
implementation by the authorities of three milestones related to: (i) appointment of the national
coordinator for anti-corruption, the coordination committee and its chairman, and the advisory
committee, and second the eight staff provided by the law; (ii) facilitation of the resolution of
unsustainable household debt, by passing legislation to introduce a new "Facilitation programme" and
revising law 3869/2010 to address the implementation shortfalls identified during its first three years of
enactment; and (iii) presentation to the EU Commission Services, for consultation, of a detailed action
plan with identified time bound steps and a date for its substantial completion, for the transition of the
electricity market to the EU target model. The plan should establish competition, stimulate entry, reflect
the reforms of PPC, and remove market distortions, while not entailing State Aid.
Πίνακας σελ.69 και 70 (δείτε τις φώτο)
MoU 3.7.1
MEFP (25)
The Government commits to enhance the legal regime for household insolvency to provide for more effective resolution of bad debts while protecting the payment culture and avoids unnecessary losses.
Milestone June 2013 Bill 4161 FEK 143/A/14 06 2013 Observed.
MoU 3.7.2
MEFP (25)
The Government commits to establish and in consultation with EC/ECB/IMF staff, a framework to assist distressed borrowers. Milestone June 2013 Bill 4161 FEK 143/A/14 06 2013 Observed.
MEFP (25)
Pass legislation by end-June 2013 to introduce a new “Facilitation Program”. (MEFP: Key features of this new scheme will include: (i) eligibility criteria that take into account the debtor’s income and assets (supported by verification
procedures); (ii) oversight of the facilitation program by the BoG; (iii) borrower repayment defined using criteria based on affordability; (iv) periodic review of the financial conditions of participating debtors to assess their continued eligibility and proper level of payments; (v) a clear timetable to close the window of the program). June 2013 Bill 4161 FEK 143/A/14 06 2013 Observed.
MEFP (25)
The Government will revise law 3869/2010, to address the implementation shortfalls identified during its first three years of enactment. (MEFP: In particular, we will introduce a definition of acceptable living expenses for use as guidance by the judiciary, mediators, and the banks and a standard definition of cooperating borrowers, which will be used to provide
protection only to those borrowers who are fully cooperating in the resolution June 2013 Law 3869/2010 has been amended by l. 4161/2013 (FEK 143/A/14.6.2013). Definitions for terms such as "acceptable living expenses" and "cooperative borrowers" as guidance for the judiciary and banks by end September 2013 (new deadline) September 2013 Observed.
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